I am a half Cajun-half Asian (Filipino) charismatic Christian who serves and loves the Lord Jesus Christ and who loves my son Brandon, now a teenager who goes by his middle name, "Steele" *sigh*, who is my world because I'm a single mother who moonlights on the Board for Rapides Habitat 4 Humanity to benefit my community in addition to my full -time career as an Escrow Officer/Paralegal/Notary Public at a real estate law firm in the suburban town of Alexandria, Louisiana where most people are Republican, but I am an Independent with special interest in fiscal conservatism like most of my family and none of my friends who collectively are my rock and my support, especially my dad who's as stubborn as I and my mom who has a green thumb which I definitely do NOT have since I kill every plant entrusted to my care while I make lists, because I LOVE lists, especially ones related to my favorite things like reading, scrapbooking, karaoke dance parties, showtune singing outbursts that embarrass my child, gift-wrapping(I know…right?), photography, music and my dogs Benny "the Jet"(a cocky attidudinal yorkie-mix puppy) and Maggie(a "special" cocker spaniel) who spend most of their day sleeping and pouncing on frogs of which I have a phobia, but I don't sweat that because my life is so blessed!