2. Train ride to Chicago with Brandon
4. Have a library in my house
5. Sky dive
8. Fly an airplane
9. Vacation in Greece
10. SCUBA dive
18. Learn short hand
19. Learn to drive a stick shift
23. Ride a camel in the desert
24. Pyramids at sunset
26. Cross the Canadian border
27. Cross the Mexican border
29. Eat a croissant at a café in France
31. Take a road trip across the U.S.
32. Have a pint in Ireland
33. Open a Swiss bank account in Switzerland
35. Learn to speak Spanish
36. Set foot on all seven continents
37. Visit all fifty states
39. Plant a tree
40. Stand atop the Great Wall of China
41. Stand inside the Taj Mahal
42. Go sailing
47. Take a tour of South America with my Chilean son, Johna, and Brandon
48. Wear a large hat at the Kentucky Derby
49. Learn to play tennis…well
50. Have a portrait drawn of myself
51. Sit on Four Corners monument and eat a sandwich in 4 places at once
52. Go a day without talking (not even to myself)
53. Throw a block party
54. Make all my childhood friends friendship bracelets and mail them by surprise
55. Write a $10,000 check to my church
56. Get back to the size I was in college
57. Zip line through a canopy
58. Finish all the unfinished projects in the house
60. Buy a stock on my own
61. Have a sidewalk chalk party
62. Have professional family photos taken
63. Go to the opera at the Scala of Milan
64. Spend a summer living in a foreign country abroad
65. Sleep in a tree house
66. Eat the world’s most expensive hamburger ($186) in West London
67. Milk a cow
68. Fly first class or on a private jet
69. Go on a mission trip
70. Shoot a really big gun
71. White water rafting
72. Use the phrase, “Quick, follow that car!” spontaneously and with real oomph
74. Build a black sand castle on a beach in Hawaii
76. Ride a Segway
77. Learn to hula hoop
78. Buy an old house and restore it
79. Witness the 7 Natural Wonders of the World in person
81. Yodel on a mountain in Switzerland
82. Own a First Edition of one of my favorite novels
85. Ring a church bell
87. Participate in a giant food fight
88. Pretend we've had a power outage
89. Slow dance in the middle of a crowded city square
90. Grow my own tomatoes
91. Complete 365 Random Acts of Kindness in one year
92. Create a signature dish
93. Learn to whistle and conquer the “Andy Griffith Show” tune
94. Have 100 active blog followers
95. Stay the night in a real castle
97. Speak with a British accent for an entire day
98. Feed the birds, toppins a bag in London, while singing the song
99. Learn to play an acoustic guitar
100. Explore Machu Picchu
101. Eat at Chick-Fil-A on a Sunday after church
102. Take a swamp tour in South Louisiana
103. Build a black sand castle on a beach in Hawaii